
Showing posts from 2007

Recondite Meanderings.

A btrusive thought negated once more. Paralysis of the netherworld ensued whilst the knaves endured their perfunctory plights. Vitriolic pejoratives were the customary greetings from the hegemony; their contempt was ravenous and unrelenting. "No more! No more!!!" exclaimed the chief of the sectarian hordes. "They've disgraced us for the last time!!" They began in earnest by flaying their masters; thereby shedding their obsequious shells and exalting themselves beyond their designed purpose(s). A cataclysm ushered forth an affront from on high; then, and only then could one stand with such sacrosanct zealotry. When did one truly abolish their allegiance? When did one truly stand, when once, one could only crawl? Fortitude had arisen in victorious fashion, like the phoenix, only the ashes served to poison the well of the righteous! They imbued themselves with self-serving nihilism; destroying the temples that once demanded them to genuflect, humbly in awe. A vo

Summer Reading...cont...

W ell, I'm nearly finished with Fyodor Dostoevsky's brilliant book entitled: The Brothers Karamazov . I highly recommend it to anyone interested in classic literature. Dostoevsky had the proclivity to inundate his novels with copious amounts of religious fervor (which reflects the years in which it was written: circa 1878-1880 C.E.); however, that does nothing to diminish the overall experience. Dostoevsky deserves my utmost respect, and now takes his place alongside such iconic figures as: Albert Einstein; Leonardo da Vinci; Ludwig van Beethoven; James Joyce; George Orwell, and Edgar Allan Poe (as well as many others). My next selection will either be Niccolò Machiavelli's The Prince , or David Hume's A Treatise of Human Nature . I hope to enjoy them as immensely as I did The Brothers Karamazov !!

Summer Reading.

T his past Saturday (and part of Sunday) I was on a quest - a mission even. My objective: Books!!! Was my "mission" successful? You can bet your sweet ass it was! First off, I started in the science section (dwarfed by the Religion/Christianity section, of course), where I settled on Sean B. Carroll's: The Making of the Fittest , and Endless Forms Most Beautiful . Then, it was on to the Philosophy section, where I walked away with a copy of A Treatise of Human Nature by David Hume. Finally, (after what seemed like hours) I exited the store, books in hand, and boy, did I feel accomplished... well almost, but not quite. Later the next day, something kept nagging me; what did I fail to obtain from Barnes & Noble the previous day? Fyodor Dostoevsky's masterpiece The Brothers Karamazov , and The Prince and other writings by Niccolò Machiavelli. Now, there's a dilemma (or is there?), which do I read first? Any suggestions?

Much Ado About Nothing!!!

I 'm nearly finished with the book God: The Failed Hypothesis by Victor Stenger , it's a great read; I highly recommend it! I'm already looking for a new book to read, so feel free to make any suggestions that you may have. I recently rented the seven-part PBS series: Evolution from Netflix . Liam Neeson does a fantastic job of narrating this charming documentary; it's a must-see. Ciao for now!!

To Whom It May Concern:

M y main objective for starting (and hopefully maintaining) this particular weblog, is to convey my thoughts on various issues concerning (but not limited to): Science, religion, history, politics... etc!! There's no shortage of people articulating their own critiques and social commentaries online, these days. So, what do I hope to contribute? Who will/won't benefit ( Cui bono? ) from anything that I have to say? I'm not looking for a soapbox in which to condescendingly preach to the masses. In fact, being an atheist, I'll attempt to keep my secular brand of preaching to a minimum!! School shootings; celebrity airheads receiving posthumous fame, and political conspiracies (as well as other comparable media fodder) flourish in the United States. They reflect the zeitgeist of today's society (well, the aforementioned examples reflect a parochial set of phenomena exclusive only to America, but I'm sure you get the gist). How will the conflict in the Middle-East b